3 Tips to Prep for Holiday Sales

‘Tis the season for promos, discount codes, contingency plans, and a lot of coffee! If you haven’t started prepping for Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, or Cyber Monday—there’s still time if you act fast. Here are 3 tips to help you prepare!

Tip #1: Don’t Rely on Social Media

Social media is just ONE piece of the marketing pie. You should be utilizing all of the pieces if you want to run a successful marketing campaign.

Tip #2: Make a Contingency Plan

This is your backup plan in the event that your sales are too high, or too low. This plan should not only include what the updates sales will be, but it should also lay out the role everyone on your team will play.

Tip #3: Focus on Your Base

This is your time to show your core customers that you have appreciated their business throughout the year. Your sales/offers should benefit those who already follow you, are on your mailing list, or have purchased from you.

Ready to chat through your holiday sales plan? Click here to schedule a 15-minute consultation!


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