How to Stay Organized as a Mompreneur: 3 Tips to Maximize Your Time

Can we take a moment to get real with each other? Being a mompreneur is a beautiful, messy, and downright challenging adventure.

Trust me, I’m right here with ya.

Just the other day, as I rushed out the door for a client meeting, my daughter looked up at me with those innocent eyes and said, "Mom, are you going to work again?"

Ouch. Yep, those words hit me hard.

It made me realize that finding the balance between my business and family isn't always easy.

But hey, we're all in this together, right?

So, let's dive in and explore three tips that can help us rock this mompreneur gig while keeping our sanity intact.

Tip #1: Keep Your To-Do List Realistic

Here's the deal: we can't do it all, no matter how much we wish we could.

Trust me, I've tried.

The key to staying organized and maximizing our time is to prioritize our tasks and set realistic goals.

Take a moment each day to assess what truly needs to be done. Break down your to-do list into the "must-dos" and the "nice-to-dos." Focus on those one or two high-priority tasks that will move the needle for your business or bring joy to your family.

Sure, there will always be more we want to accomplish, but let's be gentle with ourselves and recognize that we're only human.Give yourself permission to say no to the tasks that can wait or delegate them to someone else.

Remember, you're a superhero, but even superheroes need to recharge.


Tip #2: Use the “Focus” Setting on Your Phone and Work Timer

Let's talk about one of my favorite tools for staying organized and on track: the "Focus" setting on your phone and your work timer.

Picture this: you're knee-deep in a task, trying to concentrate and get things done, when suddenly…DING! Notifications start pouring in from every corner of your digital world. It's like a never-ending distraction parade that can derail your focus faster than you can say "naptime."

But thankfully, your phone has your back! Most smartphones now come with a handy-dandy "Focus" mode, designed to shield us from those pesky distractions. Activate it during your work hours, and voila! Say goodbye to those incessant pings and alerts. It's your secret weapon to reclaiming your concentration and diving deep into your tasks.

Also, if you're a fellow Toggl user like me, you're in for an extra treat. Toggl offers its own "focus mode" feature. With a few clicks, you can activate the timer and block out any potential interruptions. It's like having a personal productivity coach, cheering you on and helping you make the most of your work sessions.


Tip #3: Outsource Where You Can

Here's the truth, my friends: we can't do it all alone, nor should we have to. It's okay to ask for help. In fact, it's a sign of strength and wisdom.

Surround yourself with a support system that understands and uplifts you. Whether it's your partner, family, friends, or fellow mompreneurs, reach out when you need that listening ear or that helping hand.

And when it comes to your business, consider delegating tasks that are outside your zone of genius. Hire a virtual assistant to handle administrative duties, collaborate with a social media manager (like me!) to lighten your workload, or outsource your bookkeeping and invoicing.

Remember, sharing the load doesn't make you any less of a supermom—it makes you a smart and savvy one.


If this post sparked something inside of you and you’re ready to outsource so you can live your best mompreneur life, let’s chat! I would love to connect about how I can transform your social media presence and take that off your plate.

Book your call today at!


Outsourcing: What. Why. How.


Creating Balance as a Mompreneur