2024 Business Goals: Plan, Strategize, & Execute

If you were a business owner pre-pandemic and post-pandemic, you know better than anyone how tough it is to sustain a business through uncertainties. Many of us have spent the last three years trying to survive and keep our businesses afloat. In 2024, let’s challenge ourselves to THRIVE

Will it be easy? 

If you’re a seasoned entrepreneur, you know d*mn well it won’t be. But we’re going to push ourselves to do it anyway. 

Don’t worry, I’m taking on this challenge, too. 

The last two years my personal life has had some amazing growth. I got married to the man of my dreams in 2022, and this past July I gave birth to my second daughter. In the process of growing my family from just Tegs and I, to now being a family of four, I cut my business in half and only kept some of my OG clients. Now I’m ready to grow again—not quite to the full capacity I was at before–but I’m ready to take on some new challenges. 

As we both prepare for 2024, let’s take inventory of the current year and begin to set some S.M.A.R.T. goals! 

S.M.A.R.T. goals are = Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant/Realistic, and Timely. 


It is the perfect time of year to reflect on the goals you set for yourself coming into 2023 and review where you are today. If you did meet your goals, challenge yourself in the new year. If you didn’t meet your goals, identify where you could improve as we move into 2024. 

I also love to reflect on all of the business tools I’m using and decide which tools I’m keeping, which tools may need an upgrade, or which ones need to go! This also goes for any professional memberships or subscriptions you may have. 


Now that you have had a moment to reflect, it’s time to make the game plan! Remember, we need our plans to be S.M.A.R.T. to grow our businesses. Your plan should include professional development, revenue goals, and ways to build your network, knowledge, and skills. 


Your plan should align with your overall business goals and be the pipeline to get your business to where you want it to be. That is called STRATEGY

Here’s an example:

  • Goal: Make more money. 

  • Plan: Offer digital courses to make more money.

  • Strategy: Create an email marketing funnel to get people to buy digital courses.


Planning and coming up with new ideas is fun. It’s the execution piece that tends to trip people up! This part is just as important as every other aspect of your plan—if not the most important. The key to executing a plan is to break it down into steps. Let’s take a look back at our earlier example below. 

So remember where we started:

  • Goal: Make more money. 

  • Plan: Offer digital courses to make more money.

  • Strategy: Create an email marketing funnel to get people to buy digital courses.

  • Tactic: 

    • Step 1: Create digital course.

    • Step 2: Build email sales funnel.

    • Step 3: Spread the word about digital course through social media, email, and advertising.

Ready to take on 2024? Let’s rock it out together! As always, feel free to tap in with me whenever you need support or resources, or have any questions about any of this. You can visit calendly.com/tjecomm to schedule a free 15-minute consultation. 


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