3 Tips for Effective Networking: & How to Maintain Relationships

Networking. You either love it or hate it, right?

Although many would assume that I’m an extrovert, I, too, have my moments where I just want to sit in a corner and not speak to anyone. However, networking has played a monumental role in my career in marketing and as a business owner.

In my opinion, many people do networking wrong because they go into it looking for an immediate transaction.

Networking is not always an instant gratification. Networking should be seen as your opportunity to build long-lasting relationships that you can tap into (and vice versa) when you have a need or a contribution.

Before you head out to your next networking event, check out these tips for successful networking below.

Be Yourself

Leading with authenticity is how I live my life and run my business. That way, there’s no need to switch my mask when I step outside. I am always me.

There’s only one you and people want to know who you really are. Be yourself in every room and let people get to know you for exactly who you are.

Be Optimistic, but Have No Expectations

When meeting someone for the first time, you should be optimistic about the interaction and have no expectations. When you lower your expectations and truly focus on building a connection, you will be able to build real relationships that are not simply transactional.

Lead with a “Give”

Many people think “What’s in it for me?” when networking but I like to think about what I can give to someone. Whether that’s a business consultation, offering to speak at an event, or sharing a resource; how can I be of service?

Why lead this way? Because it will allow you to showcase your skills and get connected to even more people.

Once the connections are made, you also have to do your part in maintaining these relationships. I started networking in college and now at 32, I’m still connected to many of the people I’ve met at various events.

In order to maintain your networking relationships, you should always…

  1. Show up for people.

  2. Check in on them.

This doesn’t mean you have to check in or follow up with anyone on a weekly or even monthly basis, but it means a lot to people when you’re able to simply show up and check in occasionally. These two simple rules are how I’ve been able to maintain many networking relationships for 10+ years.

If you struggle with networking and want to understand what it means to be confident and network effectively, consider becoming one of my first coaching clients. My program will officially launch in Fall 2024 but I am looking to take on a few pre-launch clients to help me shape this program at a discounted rate.

If you’re interested in learning more, please click here to complete my Client Intake Form to see if you’re a good fit!  


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