Re-Discover Your Why: 3 Steps to Get Back on Track in Business

I’ve been in business for over ten years and a full-time entrepreneur for over five years—I understand what it’s like to feel burned out.

I have started, stopped, reaccessed, and re-launched different aspects of my business (more details coming soon on Respect the Hustle!) and I’m not alone in this. Click here to read about some of the most successful rebrands of famous companies you know and love.

If you feel at a standstill in your business, here are a few ways to help you re-discover your WHY.

Take a step back.

This doesn’t mean you have to stop running your business, especially if your business is paying the bills, but taking a step back can look like pulling back on commitments or taking on fewer projects.

If you’re at a point in your business where you’re unsure of your next move, taking a step back to think about what you want out of your business is a great first step to re-discovering your why.

Ask for help.

I will be the first to admit that I have difficulty asking for help. If you’re like me, I know letting other people into your business can be difficult. However, asking for help has been one of the best decisions I’ve made in my business.

Who can you ask for help?

Get inspired—again!

Think about the feelings you felt when you first started your business…were you excited? Anxious? Scared? Going back to these feelings is a great way to re-discover your why. Think about the people you were networking with, the events you attended,  and why you decided to take on this venture. Use that as motivation get inspired again and get back on your game!

Need help finding your WHY again? I’ve committed to 180 hours of training to become a Business Coach. Once complete I will earn an accreditation through the International Coaching Federation to be certified! Not only does this prove my willingness to invest in myself, but it is also proof that I only provide my clients with the best of the best when it comes to resources and support.

My coaching program will officially launch in Fall 2024 but I am looking to take on a few pre-launch clients to help me shape this program at a discounted rate.  

If you’re interested in learning more, please click here to complete my Client Intake Form to see if you’re a good fit!  


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